Wednesday 22 May 2013

The End to World Hunger ?

I was very much interested in this article that was on Yahoo this morning. NASA, apparently is sponsoring a new food production technique using a 3D Printer. It uses ingredients that include insects, algae and leaves to print and cook the foods. When fully developed, users will be able to personalize their menus based on dietary requirements and share recipes through coding.
Very techspiring. Better update your programming skills if you want to cook in the tech age.
What do you think? Are you looking forward to 3D Printed Food?

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Small Steps

Have you ever dreamed of wanting to be someone big, to achieve something 'big' and after a while just gave it up because it happened to be too big for you. This happens to almost everyone, we all want to acquire new skills, get better jobs, move into better apartments etc but just do not seem to muster enough 'energy' required for such highs. 
One thing I think can help everyone facing this challenge is to start small. Nothing born big survives for long anyways. Think of it, humans start small as zygotes, then into fetuses  then into babies, toddlers, children, teens and finally into adults, big businesses that are forces to reckon with started small and athletes who are stars in their fields always say they  started with learning and mastering the tiniest details of their games.
The challenge for all of us who want to get that big break in anything is take take one small step in that direction today, another one tomorrow, the next day and everyday. If you want to be a great writer, start by spending at least ten minutes writing something,start running a little distances everyday if you want to run the next city marathon, listen to or read a few passages in that language you want to fluent in. Just start doing something about your dreams today

Prayers and affections for the innocent people being displaced by the military operations against the Boko Haram members in the North and for families affected by the deadly tornado in Oklahoma.

Monday 20 May 2013


Wow! I have conquered a whole new territory in my life by opening this blog. I call it Simply Ebere, well because posts here will be simply and strictly my take on issues as I see them. I am Ebere, as you might have guessed and a young woman living and working in Mainland Lagos, Nigeria. I try to live a fulfilling life, I love learning new things in fun ways, good jokes, being around good people and having quality 'me' time as well. You can expect posts on diverse ordinary every day things and my perspectives on current issues.