Saturday 22 March 2014

Catholic Sexuality

I am a Catholic, unashamedly. That means that I believe and try to practice all  that the Catholic Church teaches. It also means that I share those beliefs with people I am in contact with. I do  not force people to believe what I believe, I only recommend good principles which the Church prescribes for a happy life which I think is what everyone wants. 
Sexuality is one of the several aspects of life where many have gone wrong in the pursuit of pleasure and 'happiness'. We clearly have got it wrong when it comes to love, sex and marriage.  A week hardly passes without a story of a rape, child molestation, a question on how to get over a bad break up, news flash on the divorce of a popular or not so popular person, lewd songs with pornographic videos and so on catching my attention, I guess yours as well. A colleague aptly said the other day that we live in an 'oversexed' culture.

Hence, it was with joy that I discovered this new website, The good fellows over there have kindly put up videos explaining everything from meaning of life and happiness, same sex attraction  fidelity in marriage, achieving and avoiding pregnancy the natural way to the consequences of casual sex. Philosophy lovers will be thrilled to know that issues like the principle of double effect, elements of morality and other logical and ethical guides for judging human acts were covered in some of the video courses.  The best part is that it costs nothing except an internet ready device to sign up and receive the courses. 

So go on to, sign up and share the knowledge with everyone you want to be happy.