Sunday 19 April 2020

A 9-Day 'Put Your Money House in Order' Challenge

So I did a very adult thing this month. I hosted a 9-Day Challenge for friends asking them to put their money house in order. It started as a whim but with nothing much to do during the COVID-19 Stay Home order, I decided to act on that whim.

Over nine days (ten actually, if  you count the first day I introduced the challenge), I made and shared amateur quality videos with specific advice on how people can better manage their personal finances. The feedback was generally awesome so I decided to put them up on my personal YouTube Channel and post the links here so more people can have access to them.

Now, the purpose of the Challenge was to share good and actionable personal finance ideas. I wanted to give my friends (and their own friends) advice I had personally implemented and found to be worth it. Not much about the Challenge was Professional, not the videos (as you will see) and certainly not the Challenger. I am not a Personal Finance Professional, I did not play one during the course of the Challenge and will not play one here. These are merely (good) advice to get you working on putting your money house in order; to get you to reduce your expenses, save more, invest more and generally work harder towards having that money life you dream of.

Alright friends, sin mas rodeos, (that's the fancy Spanish way of saying 'without much ado'), let's get on with the Challenge...

Day 1: Tracking Your Expenses
Day 2: Reducing Your Expenses
Day 3: Operating an Emergency Account
Day 4: Following the Right Money Order
Day 5: Making and Using a Budget
Day 6: Giving to Family and Friends
Day 7: The 72 Hour Rule to Kill Impulse Buying
Day 8: Growing Your Income
Day 9: Wrapping Up, Moving On

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